Weight Loss Boot Camp
12-Week LIVE Group Coaching Program
With Nicole Gauthier, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach & Virtual Coaching Specialist
If you're ready to take it to go all in on your weight loss and health goals with exact meal plans, workouts and more, I'd like to invite you to apply to my next Weight Loss Boot Camp!
This Group Coaching Program is open to are women 40+ who are are ready to lose 30lbs or more without long, high intensity workouts and without starving themselves!
This program is similar my 1:1 Online Coaching Program within a group format!
I'm going to personally teach you step-by-step how to lose weight and get in shape finally…. FOREVER through education, accountability, support and easy to follow plans.
What You'll Get in the 12-Week Program:
- Weekly Weight Loss Nutrition Plan
- Weekly Group Coaching Call (will be recorded if you can't make it live)
- Complete Fat-burning, body sculpting training program for beginners to intermediate
- Access to SimplyFit Workout App for your custom workouts, progress tracking and accountability.
- Access to the coaching website for your success guides, recipes and more
- Ongoing support through app or email.
Requirements to Enroll:
1. You agree finish what you start (I'm 110% committed to getting you AMAZING results and need your full commitment too!)
2. You are "coachable." I will walk you through everything step-by-step, but you have to put in the work! (action-takers only)
3. Are ready to invest in yourself.
Losing weight after 40 is challenge, but NOT impossible!
My clients are losing weight, gaining energy and strength and overall just feeling better, even during the holidays!
I get it, you feel like there is not enough time in the day to exercise or create healthy meal. And even if you found the time to work out, what do you do? Just try to keep piecing together random workouts and hope for the best?
But, what if I showed you a way to fit it all in with short, low impact and effective workouts?
If you feel like to you don't have any time nor energy to start a program right now, I'll show you just a few small nutrition and lifestyle changes you could make to dramatically change the way you feel, increase your energy, AND help you start dropping fat immediately.
I'll be there as your coach to support, motivate and personalize your approach to getting fit and staying fit.
You'll also be part of a community of other women similar to you working towards the same goals.
There's absolutely no reason you can't do this.
I’ve been coaching clients online since before the pandemic of 2020 and I can tell you its one of the most cost effective AND overall effective wellness program.
That’s because I’m able work with you without you having to get in your car, drive to the gym, spend an hour coaching and driving home.
I’m able to interact with you in much more meaningful ways and more frequently then meeting at the gym or even in your home at a fraction of the cost of personal training.
My online system brings my coaching right into your world….when you want it and how you want it.
There is NOT a one size fits all approach that works for everyone.
That’s why a coaching program may be just want you need to make some true progress.
-Not an just an ebook!
-Not long, super intense workouts you need a gymnastics background for!
-Not a strict and complicated meal plan!
Just a personalized, simplified approach to looking better, feeling better and LIVING better!
How it works:
Once you apply, we'll chat on the phone and see if this will be a good fit.
If so, you'll receive info on how to sign up.
Next you will have access to the App and Coaching website to start your pre-program prep.
I have a basic plan you can get starting on right away to give you a head start (I’ve had clients lose 5lbs before they even start the program based on this plan!)
We will have Kick-off and orientation call where you will meet other group members and review everything you need to get started on your plan.
Each week we will meet up online for Group Coaching Calls. Calls are recorded if you can’t make them live.
Each Group Coaching call has a theme that carries into the week and covers an important aspect of the program, timed perfectly along our journey together. I also leave plenty of time for discussion and Q&A’s on these group calls and stay until all questions are answered.
This program is based on working with clients for over 25 years and over 25 years of fitness experience and education.
And it works.
That’s because I focus on SIMPLE nutrition, SIMPLE exercise plans and SIMPLE habits….. all backed by science, not fad-diets or some crazy program my aunt’s best friend’s husband sister did to lose weight.
I promise. What have you got to lose? I’ll let you figure that one out 😉 (here’s a hint lbs!)

12-Week Online Group Coaching Client
"I've always loved working out, but I struggle with eating well consistently. In my 30s and early 40s I could usually burn off what I would gain over the weekend eating poorly. Or I would let a few pounds creep up, then lose them over a month or two to get ready for an event. I had an injury 2 years ago that kept me from being as active as I'd once been and the pounds started to pile on. I started off 2020 determined to improve my health. The first 3 months of the year, I was on track to accomplishing my goals. I eliminated sugar and processed carbs, lost 28 pounds, and I felt great! Once the pandemic hit full steam and the social unrest spiraled out of control, I turned to food to cope which stalled my weigh loss. Fortunately, I continued to exercise, but I gained back 4 pounds over 6 months due to inconsistent diet and stress eating.
I had trained with Nicole years ago, when she had her boot camp, and I'd also done her meal prep plans in the past. It was late September, and I was trying to salvage the remainder of the year and get my health plan back on track. I knew that I need to get things under control entering into the Holidays, or I would gain back even more weight. I didn't have the confidence that I could do it on my own, but I was at a loss as to what to do.
Then I saw an email from Nicole advertising a 12 week program that she was offering focused at women mid-40s and up. I immediately signed up for a call to get more information and made the commitment.
I decided that day, that I would follow the program and set a goal to lose 30 pounds before the end of the year. I wanted to create a lifestyle change so that I could achieve and maintain a healthy weight and prevent the diabetes and heart conditions that I was destined for with the lifestyle that I was leading.
I immediately saw results with Nicole's plan - Initially, I saw the scale move, then I began to have more energy, then less joint pain, then improved strength. The changes as well as daily emails and weekly support calls motivated me to continue to work the plan.
I made consistent lifestyle changes and challenged myself to improve each week. I tracked everything that went in my mouth and followed the daily exercise plan. I was looking for new ways to move and new activities to do with my family because I had so much more energy. I also incorporated new habits such as stretching daily, taking vitamins consistently and meditation. My body continued to respond with improved mobility, restful sleep, more energy, lowered cravings, and reduced inflammation (no more joint pain)!
I didn't want to cook different food for me and my family, so I cooked all the same foods as I meal prepped each week, and they enjoyed the meals as well. After 3 months, I exceeded my goal and lost 34 pounds. I am thrilled that I stayed consistent and didn't get frustrated on weeks where the scale stalled or didn't move like I wanted it to. I'm also pleased that I was able to tackle the Holiday season and not only NOT gain weight, BUT lose WEIGHT!!!! This is the first year in a while that I've not gained during the Holiday season. I now have the confidence that I can make this a lifestyle change and continue to grow on my health journey.
If you are considering making a change or know that you need to change but don't feel ready, my advise is do not wait. Dive in now before you feel that you are ready.
Nicole can give you some tips to make small changes to your lifestyle over time so that it's not overwhelming. She is extremely knowledgeable and patient and works with you within your abilities.
This program helped me to get control of my relationship with food, which was my vice for dealing with stress, celebrating success, or filling in boredom. It helped me to replace my unhealthy habits with healthy choices. Ultimately, these lifestyle changes improved my overall mood and well being more than sessions with my therapist." C.T.

"I am 56 years old and have been overweight for about 30 years, most of those years in the obese category. I have tried numerous times on my own and worked with a personal trainer about 10 years ago. During the time I worked with a trainer, they monitored my food log and I met regularly for workouts and lost 40 pounds. Unfortunately, when I stopped meeting with them, I put all the weight back on.
When Nicole offered a new program to lose 50 pounds in 6 months, I decided it was time to invest in myself. I am a little over halfway through and have lost 28 pounds. I feel great physically; more energy, less aches and pains, clothes are more comfortable, etc. Emotionally and mentally, I feel very peaceful and happy after years of depression, self doubt and sometimes worthlessness.
The tools and training Nicole has offered will last me my lifetime. I know what my body needs to get the weight off and keep it off. I also am very satisfied with what I am eating and do not feel deprived at all. It does not feel like a "diet" that I am waiting for it to end. Learning what to eat, how much and using tools like My Fitness Pal have been tremendous in making the necessary changes in how I eat.
This has been an amazing journey so far and I am excited to get rid of more of this excess baggage. It has freed me to live the life I have always wanted. I have more energy for family and friends. More energy and focus to do the things I enjoy. I know it will only continue to get better from here. Looking back over what I have accomplished in 13 weeks inspires me to keep at it and to share this hope with others. If I can do this, you can too!"

"Until 4 1/2 years ago, I was average size to thin, with minimal effort. Then menopause came a little prematurely and the pounds just kept adding on. I was not successful at losing more than the same 4 lbs repeatedly.
My initial goals were to lose 20-25 lbs, better understand my metabolism as nearing 50 means it's barely a smolder, how to menu plan using whole foods rather than budget foods (high carb, low nutritional value), cure or reduce sugar cravings, and feel less exhausted
My blood pressure is now in the low normal range, and I was able to get off blood pressure medication. That was a huge win, and one of my big "why's." My clothes started fitting better, or looser, after 4 weeks on the 12 week plan, and fitting into some of the clothes that I had hung onto from my "skinnier days."
I am proud of myself for committing to the 12 week program and succeeding. I really did not think anything would work to get this stubborn weight off. I am so happy to not have the risk of a stroke from hypertension or risk of diabetes.
My biggest challenge was hands down, carb addiction. I love donuts, cold cereal, and sweets. I had to have a come to Jesus talk with myself that I was going all in on the Simply Fit Club 12 week program and that if it didn't work, I could have the donut at the end of it. As the weight literally fell off over the weeks, I had more motivation to see the scale move than to have my sweets. I'm not saying I didn't want to, but my "why's" were more important.
I now have the framework to create a meal plan, understand my macros and calorie count, the importance of regular exercise for just 30 minutes, and feel so much better about myself.
My advice to someone else just starting out is to get in the right mindset that you are doing this FOR you, not TO you. It will be challenging, but exciting when you feel and see the changes that are about to happen. With this plan, you can't go wrong because Nicole has a recipe guide (with substitutions if you have food allergies/intolerance, or just a picky eater), weekly menu, and even a grocery list! The exercise app was perfect for doing everything at home or at the gym.
Nicole is a wonderful accountability partner, coach, and big supporter. She genuinely wanted me to succeed and always made herself available." J.M
Hello! I'm Nicole! I've been a personal trainer since 1996.
A former bodybuilder, I began as in-home personal trainer in Brentwood, TN and went on to appear regularly as a fitness expert and on-air guest on home shopping networks for over two years.
In 2009 I started my fitness boot camp company and helped thousands of women get fit at my boot camp locations and studios in the Nashville area for almost 10 years.
I now specialize in-home personal training and online coaching Coaching, primarily with women 40+
I love helping my clients get fit and feel their best ever and I can't wait to get you started on your program soon!

“ Nicole Gauthier is the best coach ever! She has not only gotten me off the couch and exercising again I am now eating a healthy clean diet. I’m even losing weight and have lots more energy with all the yummy foods and easy recipes she provides me with. She also makes it so easy to follow everything and is always available whenever I have questions or just need a confidence boost. I highly recommend her for any of your nutritional or weight loss needs.” A.M
“I was overwhelmed at the thought of needing to lose 40 lbs. My weight gain came on over the last 3 years as a result of middle age hormone changes, high levels of stress from working on a Master's degree, and my job. I then had to be put on blood pressure medication! I thought, "If I could just have a diet plan that had normal ingredients available in any grocery store, had substitutions for my food allergies, was quick to prepare, then I can do it." Simply Fit Club jump start was all of that, and more! With the weekly menu, grocery list, and exercise plan, along with the accountability Nicole provides, I lost 13 lbs in the first 5 weeks! As a self-proclaimed "carbotarian" and sugar addict, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to stick to the plan. However, I only suffered from cravings and a headache during the first few days, and since then, feel amazing. I have received compliments on how good my skin looks! If my stubborn pounds melted away with SFC, it can work for you, too! ” Janina
“I recently completed the 6 week challenge with Nicole and am thrilled with the results in such a short time,,, I realized at age 64 I was not eating healthy, even though I wasn't overweight. Shortly after, I received Nicole's email about the Jumpstart challenge and knew that's what I needed to start down a healthy eating style. I've always been a very picky eater but I learned to actually enjoy new foods and recipes I never would have chosen before. Having a meal plan to stick to was exactly what I needed, along with the workouts I could do at home. I now crave veggies instead of sweets, am down 8 pounds and 6". Thank you Nicole for helping me learn "how to live healthy". This is my new normal and I won't ever go back.” B.D.
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Registration Opens Spring 2025. Be the first to grab a spot.